The New Year in Six Words

By Jean Boonstra

These last few weeks I’ve noticed the hashtag #2015in5words pop up with regularity in my social feeds. The year summarized in five little words. Reading the various short descriptions posted by friends, family and strangers, I thought about the past 12 months, and the new year ahead.

About the Author

Jean Boonstra is the Associate Speaker for the Voice of Prophecy. She is the author of several books, including eight in the Adventist Girl series.

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ThinkstockPhotos-487469652 (2)How would I describe 2015 in five words? The answer probably depends on my frame of mind or mood. I could describe my year like this: unpacking, committees, airports, jet-lag, deadlines. That perspective would likely rise to the surface after a grueling week at the office or at yet another airport departure gate. I could also answer it this way: settled, comradery, generosity, innovation, blessed. Reflecting on my family, I might summarize my year like this: teens, middle-age, moments, love, independence.

The past year zipped by in a blur and here we sit on the threshold of a fresh new year. 2016. Are there six words that can take us into the new year and define it for us?

I don’t know if the story is true or just an urban legend, but regardless, it is one I enjoy. One day at lunch with several of his writer friends, Ernest Hemingway bet the group $10 that he could write a novel in just six words. The men all agreed to the bet, throwing their bills and coins into the collection. Hemingway scratched out six words on a napkin. The men passed the napkin around and Hemingway collected his winnings. The story tells us that the words he scratched out were “For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.”

Those six words do tell a story, don’t they? They evoke images, emotions, a backstory and a future—all painted with six words. Are there six words that could shape or define the new year for each of us? After spending a little time in the Word I came across several six word verses. Here are my six favorite. These six word verses could each individually transform 2016. Imagine if we allowed all six to define the new year ahead?

“Commit your way to the Lord”

-Psalm 37:5

Strengthen me.001“Strengthen me according to Your word.”

-Psalm 119: 28

“by His stripes we are healed.”

-Isaiah 53:5

“Freely you have received, freely give.”

-Matthew 10:8

“He will swallow up death forever.”

-Isaiah 25:8

“For our citizenship is in heaven”

-Philippians 3:20


A new year and six, six word promises. Are there any you’d add to the list? Share them in the comments.

Happy New Year!