Episode 20139
60 min 
00 sec

We Can Believe the Bible

With Shawn Boonstra

We can read the Bible for a whole lifetime and learn something new every time we open it. What exactly sets the Bible apart from all the other books in the world? This week on Disclosure, Shawn and guest Alex Rodriguez take a look through Discover Bible Guide #2.

Episode 20138
60 min 
00 sec

The Temple and the Last Days - Part 2

With Shawn Boonstra

Why does it seem like human leadership is failing us at an increasing level? Is civilization unraveling as we approach the last gasp of human history? This week on Disclosure, Shawn and Jean continue their discussion on the Temple and the end times.

Episode 40008
16 min 
00 sec

Look and Live

With H.M.S. Richards Jr.

Listen to a classic broadcast from radio pioneer, H.M.S. Richards Sr., our founder. The Voice of Prophecy is bringing back timeless broadcasts recorded as early as 1929. H.M.S. Richards Sr. made history by launching one of the first religious programs to broadcast nationally.

Episode 20137
60 min 
00 sec

Tithing: A Test of Faith

With Shawn Boonstra

This week on Disclosure, Shawn and his guest Bill Hay discuss a subject that many people find a little uncomfortable. It's a topic that crops up repeatedly in the Bible. So what does Scripture actually say about tithing?

Episode 20136
60 min 
00 sec

You Can Believe in God

With Shawn Boonstra

Sometimes it's difficult to comprehend that the God of the universe wants a close relationship with us. On this week's program, Shawn and his guest Alex Rodriguez take a look at "We Can Believe in God," lesson #1 of the Discover Bible Course.

Episode 20135
60 min 
00 sec

The Temple and the Last Days - Part 1

With Shawn Boonstra

This week on Disclosure, Shawn and Jean Boonstra focus on how the birth of the modern state of Israel has prompted some different thinking about Bible prophecy in Western Christianity.

Episode 20134
60 min 
00 sec

Parenting: The Agony and the Ecstasy - Part 2

With Shawn Boonstra

No one ever said parenting was easy. How must God feel having us as His children? In this week's episode, Shawn and Jean Boonstra talk about how raising their two daughters has affected their relationship with God.

Episode 20133
60 min 
00 sec

A Look at Jeremiah, the "Weeping Prophet"

With Shawn Boonstra

Have you ever been in a position where you felt like you didn't deserve the struggles you were facing? Jeremiah the prophet knew that feeling well—yet He chose to follow God's instruction even as he faced massive challenges. Grab your Bible and follow along as Shawn and Jean Boonstra delve into the book of Jeremiah.

Episode 20132
60 min 
00 sec

Social Media and You - Part 2

With Shawn Boonstra

Are you one of the many people who check social media multiple times a day? In this week's program, Shawn and Jean Boonstra are joined by Disclosure Producer Ruben Gomez to talk about how social media affects their daily lives.

Episode 20131
60 min 
00 sec

Parenting: The Agony and the Ecstasy - Part 1

With Shawn Boonstra

If you're raising kids or are planning to raise kids, you won't want to miss this episode! Today on Disclosure, Shawn and Jean talk about their experiences and what they've learned in raising their two daughters.
