Episode 20014
60 min 
00 sec

Bible Answers: June 15

With Shawn Boonstra

There are certain topics that everyone ponders, such as death, relationships and marriage. People also wonder if the world is going to end, or if it will ever improve. Today, Shawn answers questions that he has received as he's presented Bible-based meetings around the world.

Episode 40010
18 min 
33 sec

The Sinner's Prayer

With H.M.S. Richards Sr.

Listen to a classic broadcast from radio pioneer, H.M.S. Richards Sr., our founder. The Voice of Prophecy is bringing back timeless broadcasts recorded as early as 1929. H.M.S. Richards Sr. made history by launching one of the first religious programs to broadcast nationally.

Jellyfish on a blue background. Find out how comb jellyfish and their rear ends are challenging commonly held evolutionary theories
Episode 20013
60 min 
00 sec

Jellyfish Bottoms Stun Scientists

With Shawn Boonstra

Today, we'll find out how the story of a jellyfish and its rear end is challenging evolutionary biology. We'll also ask if you can prove science and explore new discoveries that suggest your DNA can predict the future (sort of). Guest: Dr. Tim Standish, a scientist at California's Geoscience Research Institute.

Episode 20012
60 min 
00 sec

The Trial of Jesus

With Shawn Boonstra

The complete story of Jesus' life is covered in the Bible, but the most significant portion of it is actually dedicated to the last week of His life. Why do you think that is? Today's program will help us understand the significance of the events that took place during Jesus' trial.


Episode 20011
60 min 
00 sec

"That Kind Can Never Change"

With Shawn Boonstra

Same-sex marriage and same-sex rights are some of the most contentious issues that people are wrestling with today. Today's guest joins Shawn to share his personal story about his struggle with sexual orientation and how the support of his family played such an important role. Guest: Ron Woolsey

Episode 20010
60 min 
00 sec

Sharing the Love of Jesus

With Shawn Boonstra

If you turn on the news today, you will likely see a lot of violence. The Bible says that lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold. What can we do? Can we show God's love through the way we live? Chris Holland joins Shawn and Jean as they read examples that Jesus gave in the Bible.

Episode 20009
60 min 
00 sec

Great Awakenings

With Shawn Boonstra

Do religious awakenings of the past really matter today? What can we learn from people like George Whitefield, John Wesley and William Miller? Will there be another "Great Awakening" in our day? Join Shawn, Jean and special guest Bill Knott as they explore these questions.

Episode 20008
60 min 
00 sec

Prophecy Then and Now

With Shawn Boonstra

Looking at current world events might have you wondering where this world is headed. What's going to happen next? Join Shawn, Jean and a special guest as they unfold the predictions of Daniel chapter 2.


Episode 20007
60 min 
00 sec

Christianity in America Today

With Shawn Boonstra

America is a republic that has been self-governed "by the people" for close to 250 years. It has been traditionally thought of as a Christian nation. How was its government formed? Can we find similarities between America's government and government in the Bible?

Episode 20006
60 min 
00 sec

The Existence of God

With Shawn Boonstra

More and more scientists today are admitting that there can be truth outside of science. But some “new atheists" say it just isn't so. They vehemently argue that you shouldn't believe in what you can't measure. Can you prove God? Can you prove science?
