His Coworker Wouldn't Show Him the Bible Lessons...
Dear Friend,
I shared with you the challenges we faced during the evangelistic series in Denver this past January. But now I just have to share the stories! Because while you may not have been there with us, you were very much a part of our team. Your prayers and support made all the difference. The triumph of God’s Word is also yours, and these are your stories:
One day this past December, I was cleaning out my purse to go on vacation when I saw the flyer they’d given out at church for the Voice of Prophecy evangelistic meetings in January. I decided to attend and get a refresher course on everything I had learned many years ago. I fully committed to this, even signing up for the Bible course. But as the days went by, I got behind on the lessons, so I tried to catch up on my lunch break at work. I had spread out the lessons and my Bible on the break room table when Casey, one of my coworkers, came up and wanted to know what I was doing. I told him to leave me alone because I was busy, but he insisted I tell him more about the lessons and the Revelation Speaks Peace meetings after he saw what I had on the table. He immediately said he wanted to attend, and in the end, I agreed to stop by his house and give him a ride to the meetings! —Suzette
I was adopted by a Jewish family when I was five years old. They brought me from Cambodia, where I’d only known the Buddhist faith. My adoptive parents are not traditionally Jewish, but still keep Hanukkah and Passover, so I grew up with a mixture of beliefs. Now I work with United Airlines, and one day I saw a coworker in the break room studying some Bible lessons. When I learned she was attending prophecy meetings, I wanted to attend, too, but I had to convince her, because at first she didn’t want to tell me anything. In the end, she agreed to pick me up and take me to the meetings. From the very first night, Jesus touched my heart. I have never felt like this before. It’s a new experience, and now I want to start a new life in Jesus. —Casey
We grew up with a Buddhist father and an Adventist mother, so we went to church with our mother and to the Buddhist temple with our father. Confused and not sure whether to believe in God, we rejected both of our parents’ beliefs. But God was working on our hearts. We saw the flyer for the meetings and decided to attend. At the end of the series, we were both baptized! —Jessica & Jennifer
I was raised a Pentecostal, but we never heard of the love of God, just things like, “Repent or you’re going to hell!” My grandfather was a pastor, but as soon as I could, I moved away from that. I became a pot smoker and an alcoholic. Then one day I got a flyer in the mail inviting me to the meetings. Somehow, I was the only person in my apartment building who got the flyer. I missed only one meeting and quit smoking and drinking. I asked God to take away those things from me—and He did! —Mary
I was a drug addict and an alcoholic and lived for the moment until I was diagnosed with lung cancer and given six months to live. One night I cried out to heaven, “God, I need a miracle. Give me a miracle!” After more tests and some treatment, I had a miraculous recovery. The doctors were amazed. At about that time, I received an invitation in the mail for the Revelation Speaks Peace meetings. I saw the brochure and immediately knew that this was what God wanted me to do. I attended all the meetings and I want to consecrate my life to Christ. —Charles
I was homeless for many years and involved in gangs on the streets. More than once I was spared from death until one day I said, “I can’t continue living like this anymore.” I turned my life around, got a full-time job and found an apartment I could afford. Shortly thereafter, I woke up one morning and turned on the TV. There was a commercial announcing the Revelation Speaks Peace meetings. Immediately, I was impressed that I needed to attend. Right away, I knew I wanted to be baptized, even before Shawn spoke about baptism. I didn’t miss a single meeting, and at the end, I gave my life to Jesus. Now I want to live for Him. —Eric
I had been praying for my boyfriend who was involved in a wrong lifestyle with dangerous people. One day I said, “Lord, do whatever it takes to change his life.” That day, I received a flyer in the mail for Revelation Speaks Peace. I took it as a direct response from God. My boyfriend and I started attending the meetings. I quit smoking and he committed his life to Christ. Now I want to commit my life to Christ too. —Nancy
I was in prison when I first enrolled in the Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible study guides. When I finished the lessons, I decided to be baptized in prison, but before that could happen, I was paroled. I moved to Denver to be with family, and that’s when I saw a flyer for the Revelation Speaks Peace series. I decided to attend and didn’t miss a single night. I am proud to say I was one of the first ones baptized during the series! —Byron
These are only handful of the many stories and testimonies we received from people who attended the series and made decisions for Jesus. And they are just brushstrokes from each life, because there is so much more to each story!
If we came away with anything from this series, it’s the conviction that God’s Spirit is at work. We can invite people, but He is the one who impresses hearts and minds, creating in them the desire to know Jesus.
The idea that evangelism doesn’t work today is simply unsustainable. If we are willing to do the work and preach the Word, then God will do the rest. These testimonies speak for themselves, and this is why we do what we do.
And soon we’ll do it all over again in Raleigh, North Carolina. Preparations are underway, and the pre-work has already begun. We’re finding the same thing we did in Denver—people are more open and receptive than ever to hear God’s Word—and especially the prophetic message!
As this old world spins toward the final conflict between good and evil, we want to hold up the banner of Jesus Christ for all the world to see and never be silent. God is right now calling people from all walks of life to join the ranks of those who will stand triumphant when He returns. He asks you and me to go out and search for the poor, the crippled, the blind, and all the victims of sin, and invite them to come into Christ’s righteousness.
I want to thank you for being a vital part of your Voice of Prophecy team. Without your support and prayers, this series could not have happened, and these stories would not have been told.
Please take a few moments to make a gift in support of evangelism using the link below. We want to be able to continue proclaiming the good news that Jesus is coming soon!
Your brother in ministry,
Shawn Boonstra