Ways to Give Hope This Holiday Season

A Pale Horse Rides

In April and September, thousands of guests walked through local church doors to attend Shadow Empire, a four-part series on the life of Constantine and his effect on religious liberty. This documentary-style presentation featured exclusive footage from Italy, Serbia and Turkey. Although developed as a seed-sowing event, some churches saw early, amazing results—including baptisms!

Plans are underway for A Pale Horse Rides, a new documentary-style presentation that will center on a seldom-told story that played a pivotal role in Martin Luther’s success. Be sure to tell your church to set aside the last weekend of October 2017 for this dynamic short series. It will coincide with the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church, and it will be the perfect event for your community.

Can we count on you to help make this timely multimedia production possible?

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Multi-Use Bible Study Guides

The Voice of Prophecy is taking the Discover Bible School to new heights in print and digital formats. This outreach has proven itself to be one of the best ways to connect Bible study interests with local churches. Newly updated and redesigned Discover lessons will be available for your church in early 2017. We are committed to helping your local church reproduce our Bible school success in your community. These lessons are perfect for correspondence schools, small groups and one-on-one study!

Your gift will introduce people to the Savior and prepare them for His soon return.

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We believe that the Gospel Commission also includes caring for the poor and defenseless.

In India, we have partnered with Asian Aid’s Operation Child Rescue to provide a rehabilitation home for young girls rescued from human trafficking. This home provides a safe place for the girls to heal from the trauma they experienced, gain vocational training and learn about Jesus.

Your gift today will bring hope and healing to young girls in India.

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Evangelism Media Presentations for Your Local Church

Evangelism remains at the heart of the Voice of Prophecy. We are currently preparing for a major citywide campaign in Seattle in March, followed by Denver in 2018.

In October, more than 100 evangelistic campaigns in the Chesapeake and Iowa-Missouri Conferences test-piloted a new “preach-it” series from the Voice of Prophecy. This “preach-it” resource package contains Shawn’s full-message prophecy seminar sermons—word for word! It also includes multimedia visuals and advertising resources like what we use in large citywide evangelistic series.

Your gift will help turn this test-pilot edition into a comprehensive resource for local pastors across North America to make their ministry and evangelism efforts even more effective.

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Media Outreach

The Voice of Prophecy is no longer just a broadcast. We are becoming a media network. Disclosure is the new format of the ministry’s flagship program—talk radio rooted in current events and Scripture. Through our website, you can listen to—and watch—each Disclosure episode. But Disclosure is just the tip of the iceberg. We’re also working on three more broadcasts—each designed to reach different audiences and bring them through the doors of your church.

Your support will share hope over the airwaves (and internet) with millions of people.


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