A World in Chaos: Should We Be Alarmed?
Dear Friend,
As we look around this month, Christmas lights and good cheer already announce the most celebrated holiday of the year. As people everywhere remember the First Coming of Jesus, we are reminded that we are one year closer to His Second Coming. And that’s good news!
Every generation that has anxiously waited for Jesus has been given a unique message to preach for their time. Noah, Jonah, John the Baptist, Martin Luther—all were given special truths to proclaim.
Today, we also have a unique truth for our time—a present truth found in Revelation 14—featuring three messages from powerful angels sent to warn the world that probation will soon close and Jesus will return.
That’s what we need to be proclaiming! But many people today—like Jonah—are running away, fearful of proclaiming the Three Angels’ Messages, afraid of what the world will think, and forgetting that the Holy Spirit is working on people’s hearts, preparing them to receive this truth.
Your Voice of Prophecy ministry believes that we exist for one purpose only, and that is to proclaim God’s end-time message and bring lost people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ—to call them out of Babylon and into God’s truth.
That’s why next month, starting on January 5, we will begin the new year with a citywide series in Denver (revelationspeakspeace.com). This has been a huge undertaking with cooperation from the local conference, churches and pastors.
It’s not an easy task, but if there is proof that Jesus is coming soon and that God’s Spirit is being poured out on all people, it’s the fact that the response has been amazing. We mailed Bible study card invitations throughout the city, and in the first two weeks received more than 700 Bible study requests!
And then an incredible series of events opened the door for the meetings to be held in the famous opera house inside the Denver Performing Arts Complex. This in itself is a miracle. And another miracle—so far, 150 people have signed up to help give these Bible studies!
We may not even realize it, but as the world continues its vertiginous course on its orbit, and as people make merry as they celebrate the passage of time, we ourselves may be oblivious to the silent awakening taking place all around us as God prepares His people to receive the latter rain. This precious rain is the only thing that will allow us to stand firm in the final crisis. What an amazing time to be alive!
Amid the chaos we see in the world today—the political conflicts and rumors of war that Jesus foretold—He predicted that many of us would become alarmed. That’s why He said those well-known words, “But see to it that you are not alarmed,” because “the end is not yet.” That’s because there is a message we must finish proclaiming.
We are at the beginning of a wonderful refreshing time when the latter rain will fall and equip us to light the world with the glory of His knowledge. Every person on the planet will be confronted with the truth and make their decision. That means that the gospel will be preached to every nation, kindred, tongue and people!
Special times like the ones we are living in today require special measures. That’s why, right now, we are developing the biggest evangelistic push in the history of the Voice of Prophecy—one that will enable every church in North America to reach their communities all at the same time—without a NET meeting! We’re taking the very best in cutting-edge evangelism and will soon be bringing it to your church, so that together, we can make something huge happen for the kingdom of God.
I have not been this excited about a project in a long time, and will soon be sharing more details with you. I feel this is the right time for this project. We see what God is doing around the world, and right here in our own backyard in Denver, and we know we are poised for something amazing to take place.
There is a new urgency in the world, and our real struggle is “not against flesh and blood, but against the . . . powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)
That is the real battle—a battle for the soul—and we must keep shining the light of truth in our dark world until the whole world is illuminated by its glory.
You have made a difference in the Voice of Prophecy this year with your prayers and support. Enormous strides have been made in sharing Bible truth. Many of the projects you have helped with are still ongoing. They include:
• The upcoming evangelistic series in Denver
• Discover Bible School needs: Lessons, website, expansion
• Media and broadcast production of outreach programs
• Operation Child Rescue in India
• Myanmar: Pastoral training, children’s outreach and Bible school supplies
With more than 2,000 Bible schools in the US alone, and 12 million Bible school graduates since its inception, VOP has become the top international Bible school ministry in the church. This is in addition to the thousands attending public events, listening to the radio messages and visiting our website for materials.
I’m a firm believer that God produces a miracle every time you give, and no matter the size of your gift, He multiplies it in miraculous ways so that it accomplishes amazing results for the needs at hand. When I look at the figures, they’re staggering, and yet the work is accomplished with your support—through much prayer and through direct miracles!
That’s why this is a time to say “thank you”—to you and to God. It is only by working together that life-changing miracles happen. This month we remember the greatest Gift ever given—the Gift that gives purpose to every other gift, and assures us of the gift of eternal life.
We believe that you feel this urgency to share the gospel with the world just as we do. Will you join Jean and me in making a special year-end gift in support of these life-changing projects?
Thank you for partnering with us in this adventure of faith!
Your brother in ministry,
Shawn Boonstra
P.S. As another year comes to a close, momentous events are taking place around the world that point to the soon return of Jesus. There is a new urgency to share the precious gospel message with the world—a message to prepare people for the crisis that will soon unfold. Yet Jesus kindly tells us not to be alarmed, but to continue to faithfully shine the light of truth around the world. Thank you for supporting the work and ministry of the Voice of Prophecy!