Help assist our global mission of leading adults, youth and children to Jesus through radio, Internet and Bible School ministries.
Four years ago, a devastating fire brought one of the Voice of Prophecy's longest-tenured Bible schools to its knees. When an air conditioning unit exploded, our Bible school in Yangon, Myanmar, was quickly engulfed in flames. Within minutes, nearly $20,000 worth of valuable Bible lessons were destroyed, as well as important record-keeping equipment, laptops, printing equipment, the phone system, and office furniture.
When we appealed for funds in 2017 to help rebuild this Bible school, you responded in powerful ways. Not only did you help us rebuild the infrastructure and print new lessons for the 2,500 individuals who request Bible studies each year in Myanmar, but you also helped us edit and redesign the lessons in a way that appeals to those who practice Buddhism, the dominant religion in the country.
Because of your help, we now have a sufficient amount of new lessons for the students of the central Bible school, but requests keep coming in from pastors and lay members who want to take these lessons to their home cities. They are desperate to share the love of Jesus with these uniquely prepared lessons, but there are simply not enough lessons.
This holiday season, you can change this. You can give the gift of Gospel hope! Your donation of any amount will go directly to efforts to print more of these life-changing Bible lessons and put them in the hands of those who can share them the best.
Thank you for considering joining us on this important venture. Only heaven will tell of the impact you will make.