Dear Friend,
A few months ago, at a camp meeting my wife Jean and I attended, a young girl approached Jean and asked if she could audition to be in one of the episodes of Discovery Mountain, our weekly children’s program. This didn’t surprise us, because the program has been a hit with kids everywhere. Between April and January, we had 71,838 downloads!
Dear Friend,
As we look around this month, Christmas lights and good cheer already announce the most celebrated holiday of the year. As people everywhere remember the First Coming of Jesus, we are reminded that we are one year closer to His Second Coming. And that’s good news!
Every generation that has anxiously waited for Jesus has been given a unique message to preach for their time. Noah, Jonah, John the Baptist, Martin Luther—all were given special truths to proclaim.
Dear Friend,
There is an urgent situation in Myanmar that I want to share with you. This past November, an explosion and fire led to the gutting of our Voice of Prophecy Bible School in Yangon, Myanmar.
I am so excited about Discovery Mountain! No, it’s not our next mission trip—although it’s an important mission. And it’s not a physical location, even though it’s a very real experience. The words above are the opening lines of our brand-new, cutting-edge children’s program.
Let me explain. My wife, Jean, is a creative genius when it comes to children. In addition to her duties as associate speaker of the Voice of Prophecy, she has a drive and a passion to produce and create programs and stories for children of all ages.