God's Amazing Grace
It’s been some time since we’ve brought you a story from the Discover Bible School. For today’s blog, I thought a testimony of God’s transforming grace would be appreciated. We received this letter from one of our Discover Bible School students a few months ago and were blessed by it. We pray it will be a blessing in your walk with Jesus.
"I am 62 years of age (Hispanic), and the oldest of eight children. At the age of 13, my mom and dad divorced. My dad's sister started taking us to the Baptist Church here in Texas. After that I started going to church camps and Vacation Bible Schools. I was married at 15 years old and was pulled out of school and started working at the café where I met my husband.
At age 24, my in-laws sent me on a Greyhound bus to a city in Texas accompanied by my mom. And I never went back home. At age 27, I met my second husband, got married in 1982 and was married for 18 years. In 1987, we were living in Texas, which we moved to in 1984. I was born again in 1987 and started going out of the country with our church to work as a missionary. I did that every summer for 10 years. We came back to Texas in 1994, got separated in 1997, and divorced in 1998.
Three years later I got off track big time. I got involved in the drug scene and prostitution. I lost everything—self respect, and all that goes with that. I became homeless for 11 years, lived with relatives, friends, and boyfriends. But I always read Proverbs every month.
In 2009, I met a man and lived with him for three years. During that time, while changing channels on TV we came across [programming on the same topics as the DISCOVER Bible School], and got baptized one year ago. Both of us received the truth from Jesus. He IS coming soon! He is at the door!"
What a story. Praise the Lord for His mercy. Maybe you have had a similar experience or even worse. Or perhaps you have not strayed this far, but you have wandered and want to return. Maybe you’ve never walked with Jesus and are wondering if He would ever love a person like you.
Take courage. Scripture is clear. God loves you with an everlasting love and draws you to him. (Jeremiah 31:3) God gave His son for you so that you might have life. (John 3:16) He is willing to forgive us from all of our sins and to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) As a result, He will clothe you with “garments of salvation” and cover you with His “robe of righteousness.” (Isaiah 61:10)
To learn more about God’s amazing grace, enroll in our Discover Bible School. Click Below to begin your journey to life, peace and restoration.
Note: I’ve edited certain parts to preserve the author’s identity.