Episode 40043
30 min 
00 sec

Seven Candlesticks

With H.M.S. Richards Sr.

Listen to a classic broadcast from radio pioneer, H.M.S. Richards Sr., our founder. The Voice of Prophecy is bringing back timeless broadcasts recorded as early as 1929. H.M.S. Richards Sr. made history by launching one of the first religious programs to broadcast nationally.

Episode 20044
60 min 
00 sec

Decoding Daniel - Part 4

With Shawn Boonstra

Did you know that what we learn in Daniel is foundational for understanding the rest of the Bible and understanding Bible prophecy? Today, Shawn and Jean continue their study of the entire book of Daniel. If you've ever wondered if God is real, then this is an episode you won't want to miss!

Episode 20043
60 min 
00 sec

Decoding Daniel - Part 3

With Shawn Boonstra

On today's program, Shawn and Jean continue their series on reading the entire book of Daniel. This episode picks up in Daniel chapter 2. Listen as they study the history and background behind Nebuchadnezzar's dream, and how Daniel was able to interpret the dream when none of Nebuchadnezzar's magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers could. So grab your Bible and follow along!

Episode 20041
60 min 
00 sec

Bible Q&A: Jesus' Birthdate

With Shawn Boonstra

Do you ever wonder if Jesus was really born on December 25? Or if the Bible offers any advice for finding the right church for you? Today on Disclosure, Shawn and Jean answer questions that were sent in by listeners just like you.

Special note: While this episode is audio-only, next week's program will have video once again!

Episode 20039
60 min 
00 sec

Find Answers to Life's Questions

With Shawn Boonstra

Have you ever had a Bible question you couldn't wait to have answered? There's an amazing resource you can use to do just that! Today on Disclosure, Shawn and the senior coordinator for Bibleinfo.com, Kevin Ames, answer some of the most-asked questions on the site.
Guest: Kevin Ames

Episode 40031
27 min 
00 sec

The Twenty Third Psalm

With H.M.S. Richards Sr.

Listen to a classic broadcast from radio pioneer, H.M.S. Richards Sr., our founder. The Voice of Prophecy is bringing back timeless broadcasts recorded as early as 1929. H.M.S. Richards Sr. made history by launching one of the first religious programs to broadcast nationally.

Episode 20034
60 min 
00 sec

Bible Q&A: Lucifer Explained

With Shawn Boonstra

Is it possible that more angels have fallen since the original rebellion in heaven? Does the Bible address environmental issues? Today, Shawn and Jean go back to the box full of questions Shawn has received as he's presented Bible-based meetings around the world.

I Will Set My Bow in the Clouds


By Alex Rodriguez

Approximately midway through the earth’s second millennia, sin had so permeated human existence that God lamented making man. "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart." (Genesis 6:4-6) In an unprecedented¹, desperate move to salvage a world gone mad, God decided to destroy His creation.

Episode 20032
60 min 
00 sec

Decoding Daniel - Part 2

With Shawn Boonstra

In the current day, many people have the sense that it's not business as usual—that something has changed and that there's been some sort of major upheaval. The problem is, no one really knows what that upheaval is. The book of Daniel, if read carefully from beginning to end, can explain a lot of what's going on around us today. Grab your Bible and follow along as Shawn and Jean continue their journey through the book of Daniel.

Episode 20031
60 min 
00 sec

We Can Believe the Bible

With Shawn Boonstra

Reading through the Bible from beginning to end can be difficult for some of us. Sometimes it's better to study the Bible subject by subject. That way, you can go through the whole Bible and gather all the data it has to offer on a single topic. Today, Shawn Boonstra and Bible School Director Kurt Johnson read lesson #2 of the Discover Bible Study series. In it, they will find what sets the Bible apart from any other book in the world.
